Greg Daniels can admit that everyone involved in The Office's final
season might've gotten a bit too cocky. Did you know that the
documentary was originally supposed to air in the seventeenth
episode? That sure didn't happen! Trying to create a season-long
story arc without having any idea how to actually structure that
season? Yeah, that's the definition of cocky! The important thing, of
course, is that they realized it, and they at least managed to steer
things toward a satisfying conclusion. A very
satisfying conclusion. This is pretty much a master class on writing
a finale for a series that has gone seriously off the rails, without
selling any of it out. Not even Andy plowing or possibly being plowed
by Carla Fern. (Flag on the play!)
Office has been on quite a long journey over the last nine years.
(Obviously, since most nine-year journeys are rather long by
default!) From its famously cringeworthy beginnings, to that middle
part where it still did cringe comedy once in awhile but
inconsistently enough that it just felt odd when it did, to season
eight which was cringeworthy in the sense that it was terrible. And
now we have season nine, the final season, and it's rather fitting
that it's been an odd mixture of all three. Some truly stupid shit
has happened to some of these characters this season, but the finale
manages to mostly give them closure that....mostly makes sense. And
now, I say my final goodbye to a show that has been, if nothing else,
comforting to me over the last eight years, by examining the journeys
that these characters have made over the last....ten years, I guess?
(They're making this harder to keep track of than they probably
needed to.)